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Data Growth In Always On World Driving Data Center Demand

At the Techonomy Conference, Google’s then-CEO Eric Schmidt noted that every two days, people create as much information as civilization did from the dawn of time until 2003 — an estimated five exabytes every two day. The explosion of corporate, academic, and governmental data, combined with explosive growth in user-generated content (Twitter, Facebook, YouTube, etc.), is changing the applications landscape, as companies and customers begin to understand the potent mix that online data, high-performance computing, and high-bandwidth networking create. We are already an Always On society, and the future only becomes even more On.

As semiconductor miniaturization enters the deep submicron era, the density of electrical/mechanical loads continues to increase in server farms. Virtualization has helped to increase processor utilization leading to even greater demands on cooling services. And the unique demands of always on computing create new challenges in mirroring, distributed content distribution networks, and cost-efficient peak load servicing.

At BRUNS-PAK, we recognize that the evolution of the data center, and with it our design-build methodologies, is a never-ending process. As the information technology industry continues to evolve and strive ultrareliable performance complemented by increasingly efficient operation and scalable deployment, only BRUNS-PAK has committed the resources to ensure that our technical team will remain ready to design and deliver “state-of-the- art” facilities even as the “art” changes.

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